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Black Magic |
Learn About Black Magic in Light Of Islam
What is Black magic? How to save ourselves from this Disease?
Jadoo or black magic is a very common problem existing in the society or among communities. In this post I, am going to mention the demerits and losses, which are done by some other jealous and criminal people. The reality of magic and jadoo is authentic.
Nobody can deny by its losses and spiritual problems.So other some people hurt some healthy and gentle people.
Nobody can deny by its losses and spiritual problems.So other some people hurt some healthy and gentle people.
Jadoo or black magic means the effects occurred of some uncommonly or against desirous. in this process some criminal people use like Jinn, bad evils, and their helpers to hurt any body and these are some time called magicians.
They take an amount of money to hurt any body spiritually by using their helpers like "Jinn, Evils, Ghosts and many other things , which are totally against the human rights and their hopes. These problems now a days are commonly existing in our society and communities. Now a days people also believe, like old days people on giving, a hurt to others by using any types of means. This is totally against the human and all the nations of the world. Any body have no right to hurt, bring loss for other and do any injustice process for others. This situation is now a days is increasing day by day. It is our duty to clean out this very UN lucky or trouble situation for ever. It is totally against the any religious of the world and Also Islam. Allah Almighty have never given a hold to any body to bring a loss to other human by any means. This is very bad and unfavourable disease of now a days like old ones.
They take an amount of money to hurt any body spiritually by using their helpers like "Jinn, Evils, Ghosts and many other things , which are totally against the human rights and their hopes. These problems now a days are commonly existing in our society and communities. Now a days people also believe, like old days people on giving, a hurt to others by using any types of means. This is totally against the human and all the nations of the world. Any body have no right to hurt, bring loss for other and do any injustice process for others. This situation is now a days is increasing day by day. It is our duty to clean out this very UN lucky or trouble situation for ever. It is totally against the any religious of the world and Also Islam. Allah Almighty have never given a hold to any body to bring a loss to other human by any means. This is very bad and unfavourable disease of now a days like old ones.
What is black magic, and how to safe from it ourselves?
Everybody, some bit about this know, what is a jadoo or Sehar or Black magic. There are many stories about this topic, but here I,will shortly mention some Types, Career of this evil and remedy of this bad disease.
Types of Magic
There are three, commonly known types of magic, Like Black magic, White magic and Sifli magic.
These are types of which some criminal can give a hurt to someone and can bring a very big loss for them in short time and in future. Allah Bless on us and give a safety of his.
1.Black magic
This type of magic is commonly known by everyone, but note that this can not do most loss as sifli magic do. This type of magic is done by some criminals against someone. It harms the body and spiritual power slowly and some time seriously. It can be cleaned up by some experts of anti-magicians.
2. White magic
It is an other type of magic. It is also very dangerous and harmful for human and mankind.
It is an other type of magic. It is also very dangerous and harmful for human and mankind.
3.Sifli Magic
Sifli magic is very dangerous as compared to other two types of Magic. It is done by the help of some bad evils, Jinn and Sheytans. It is more harmful for human. In this type of magic magicians use their helper Jinns and Bad evils, Hamzaads and some other bad things and harm the spirits of human and bring a very un-lucky burden for gentlemen spirits, and lose the spiritual power of humankind. By under influence of this type of magic the body of a human is preyed of defeat and lose. He never can judge how to make his body well and safe from trouble.
I am going to you a link of a book written in this regard in Urdu, which will help you step by step . How to safe yourself from such kinds of problems.
In this book all types of magic, their effects on human and cure of magic is mentioned. You can take more advantages from this book. I have started this blog newly, so because of it, I am not making a long discussion about any topic. I am just giving you a main idea about some stories. I shall completely guide you and any body about other more stories in detail. Its now on you, how to you take a benefit from this book.
This book will show you the reality of Magic and its cure according to Islam and Sunnah.
In last, I suggest you to trust on Allah and Muhammad ( Sallallaho Alaihe WaSallam)
If you Trust on Allah, Then no one can harm you, And you will be safe forever.
I am going to you a link of a book written in this regard in Urdu, which will help you step by step . How to safe yourself from such kinds of problems.
In this book all types of magic, their effects on human and cure of magic is mentioned. You can take more advantages from this book. I have started this blog newly, so because of it, I am not making a long discussion about any topic. I am just giving you a main idea about some stories. I shall completely guide you and any body about other more stories in detail. Its now on you, how to you take a benefit from this book.
This book will show you the reality of Magic and its cure according to Islam and Sunnah.
In last, I suggest you to trust on Allah and Muhammad ( Sallallaho Alaihe WaSallam)
If you Trust on Allah, Then no one can harm you, And you will be safe forever.